Spiced Roasted Carrots

Building Feasts by Hanna Geller
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Sweet, with a little crunch, and a lingering spice punch, these Spiced Roasted Carrots are the perfect side dish to brighten up your meals from late summer through early winter. Uses a variety of vibrant, candy-colored carrots when you can, they are also fantastic drizzled with a little tahini and sprinkled with dill sprigs before serving for instant cheer.
You Need
Serves 4-6
How To
- Preheat oven to 250C / 500F. Line a large baking tray (or two depending on how big the carrots are) with baking parchment.
- Cut the tops off the bunches of carrots, leaving 1cm of green at the top. If the leaves are still fresh, use them to make a delicious pesto.
- Cut the carrots into half lengthwise, or if they are fatter carrots, cut then into quarters, keeping the length.
- Place the carrots on the baking sheets in one layer. If they do not fit in one layer, use 2 baking sheets.
- Sprinkle over all the seasonings and aromatics and stir together until fully coated.
- Roast for 10 minutes until starting to brown at the edges. Stir around and roast another 5 minutes or until browned and still have a little crunch.