The Simplest Sauce Ever

Micole Rondinone
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Pasta provides a canvas of opportunity for creativity, but there’s something to be said for taking it back to basics. This version of my moms classic sauce always starts with a few things: whole peeled tomatoes crushed by hand (don't wear white), garlic, olive oil, red pepper flakes and capers. It really is the simplest sauce ever, and rarely disappoints. This is an anti-recipe recipe: there are no measurements, and few specifics. Have fun, trust your intuition and remember to make this pasta YOURS!
You Need
How To
- Start by roughly chopping your garlic cloves. For a whole can of tomatoes, use 2-3 cloves of garlic, but adjust to your taste.
- Heat a sauce pan or pot over medium heat, adding olive oil once the pan is hot.
- Add garlic and sauté until fragrant, about a minute.
- Add your crushed whole peeled tomatoes to the pot and stir. Add an extra splash of olive oil, and capers with some of the briny liquid.
- Lower the heat and cook the sauce down for about 15 minutes, allowing flavors to deepen.
- Add salt and red pepper flakes to taste after reducing.
- If you have fresh basil, chiffonade and add at the last minute before serving.
- Serve over al dente pasta or use for any dish that calls for a simple tomato sauce.
- If saving for later, let cool to room temperature before packing up and storing in your fridge or freezer.