Maple Roast Pecans

Building Feasts by Hanna Geller
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A delicious recipe for making maple roast pecans that are perfect for salads, slaws, cheese boards, or as a cocktail snack. These pecans are drizzled with maple syrup and sprinkled with salt before roasting to enhance their flavor.
You Need
150g pecans
How To
- Preheat your oven to 180C (350F).
- Line a baking sheet with parchment and pour out the pecans into one layer.
- Drizzle over the maple syrup and salt and stir to coat – make sure each pecan is covered in a lick of syrup.
- Roast for 12-15 minutes, turning half way through.
- Remove from the oven and give them one more stir, making sure they are left in one layer. Allow to cool completely.