Sunrise Ranch Water
Guido Rainuzzo
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A spicy take on a classic. Careful, this cocktail will ruin other cocktails.
You Need
1 serving
Jalapeño-Infused Tequila
- 1 bottle Madre Tequila Blanco
- 8-12 Jalapeños
Tomato-Infused Mezcal
- 1 bottle Madre Mezcal
- 6-8 Plum Tomatoes
How To
- Mix everything except the beer in a cocktail shaker
- Add ice and shake thoroughly
- Strain and pour over a highball glass
- Top with Schöfferhofer
- Chop off the stems
- Roughly cut into thirds
- Place peppers in a mason jar
- Pour the bottle in the jar, refrigerate for 3-5 days, and stir daily
- Strain out the solids
- Cut the tomatoes in quarters
- Place them in a mason jar
- Pour the bottle in the jar, refrigerate for 3-5 days, and stir daily
- Strain out the solids