Chicken with Garlic, Bay, and White Wine

Building Feasts by Hanna Geller
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This delightful recipe for chicken with garlic, bay, and white wine offers a creamy gravy thanks to the emulsification of wine and oil. Adapted from The Moro Cookbook by Sam and Sam Clark, it's been a beloved dish for over 13 years. The preparation involves a bit more effort than simply roasting the chicken, but the results are splendid.
You Need
Serves 4-6
How To
- Wash and dry the chicken ensuring it is very dry. Season with salt and pepper.
- Put a large heavy saucepan or frying pan with tight-fitting lid over medium heat and add the olive oil.
- When hot, add the garlic cloves with skins on and cook until lightly golden.
- Remove the garlic from the pan and immediately add the chicken to the pan skin side down. Sear without crowding the pan, potentially in batches, for about 5 minutes until golden, then turn over and cook another 3 minutes.
- Add all the chicken pieces back to the pan. Add the reserved garlic and bay leaves, and pour over the wine or sherry.
- Shake the pan to emulsify the wine with the oil and simmer for 2 minutes until the alcohol has evaporated.
- Add the water, reduce the heat, cover, and simmer for a further 20 minutes or until the chicken pieces are cooked through. Season and add more water if required.