My Viral Farfalline in Carrot Miso Sauce

Micole Rondinone
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My 7-ingredient Farfalline in Carrot Miso Sauce is hygge for your tastebuds. It's an umami, veg-packed farfelline that is like a cozy middle ground between soup and pasta. And, of course, a perfect opportunity to use up carrots that spent a few days too many in the bottom drawer.
You Need
Serves 2
How To
- Preheat your oven to 400F and start a pot of water to boil for your pasta.
- Rinse + peel your carrots and place on a baking sheet.
- In the microwave, melt 1 Tbsp of butter or vegan alternative. To your warm butter, mix in 2 Tbsps of Shiro miso, or other miso paste. Coat your carrots evenly all over with your butter and miso marinade, then top with 1-2 whole crushed garlic cloves. Roast carrots in the oven until carrots are tender all the way through, 10-20 minutes or more, depending on the thickness of your carrots.
- Place roasted carrots and whole garlic in a blender or food processor along with 1/4 cup of broth and blend until smooth.
- Salt your boiling pasta water, add farfalline and cook until al-dente, 5-6 minutes. In the meantime, add 2-3 spoonfuls of your starchy pasta water to the blended carrot sauce, along with 1/2 cup of loosely packed, freshly grated parmigiano-reggiano or vegan alternative, like nutritional yeast. Blend to combine, taste and add salt, only if needed.
- To your cooked, strained pasta, mix in another Tbsp of butter along with another 1/4-1/2 cup freshly grated parmigiano-reggiano (or vegan alt), lots of freshly ground black pepper and your carrot sauce. Adjust the thickness of your sauce by adding more bone broth as needed. Finish with cheese and pep, and enjoy!