Jay Boogie's World Famous Buttermilk Pancakes

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These are ELITE pancakes. These pancakes have gotten me out of trouble, they've made me the most popular brunch host among friends, and they've made my sister (an extremely talented chef with high pancake standards) proud. I usually gatekeep my best recipes but I'm breaking my own rules to share this one from the vault. If you make these pancakes for friends, they will request you make them endless so MAYOR (Make At Your Own Risk).
You Need
4-6 pancakes
Dry Ingredients
- 1 ⅓ cup all purpose flour
- 4 tbsp cane sugar
- ½ tsp baking powder
- ½ tsp baking soda
- 1 tsp kosher salt
Wet Ingredients
- 2 large eggs
- 1 ¼ cup buttermilk
- 1 ½ tbsp vanilla
- 2 tbsp butter, melted
- Vegetable oil for griddle or pan
How To
- Heat a cast iron skillet, pan, or griddle to a medium heat
- Combine dry ingredients in a mixing bowl
- Combine wet ingredients in a mixing bowl
- Sift dry ingredients into wet and until combined; do not overmix
- Poor vegetable oil into pan or skillet so that it lightly coats the entire surface area
- Ladle pancakes into the oil and fry until browned and edges are crispy
- Flip pancakes and finish frying the other side
- Enjoy with warm maple syrup
- These pancakes are thick and fluffy so do not fry them over high heat or they will burn. If the edges are not crispy enough for you, add more oil / butter
- In my humble opinion, a cast iron skillet is the optimal frying vessel for these pancakes and will get your edges extra crispy
- If these pancakes are too thick for you, add a bit more buttermilk
- Optional additions: These pancakes are pretty rich. To lighten them up a bit, try adding a very light squeeze of lemon juice to the batter and the zest of a lemon
- Optional substitutions: Replace vegetable oil with clarified butter
- These are best consumed hot! To keep the finished pancakes hot while cooking the others, place them in a warm oven