Apricot and Rainier Cherry Pie Filling

Martin Sorge
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While I don't usually cook sweet cherries, I love this combination of the sweet, light-colored Rainier cherries with the tangy orange apricots. Alone, Rainier cherries don't have a very strong flavor, but their subtle sweetness mellows the apricots. This filling is on the tart-and-tangy side, so may want to add up to 200 g (1 cup) of sugar if you prefer things sweeter. The tiny bit of almond extract really amps up the flavor of this filling.
You Need
About 1000 Kg
How To
- Wash, pit, and slice the apricots into eighths. Wash, pit, and slice the Rainier cherries in half.
- Combine the apricots, cherries, lemon juice, and water in a medium (3-quart) saucepan and toss together to prevent browning.
- Whisk together sugar, cornstarch and salt, and add to the fruit.
- Let the mixture sit for about 5 minutes to draw out some of the moisture in the fruit.
- Cook the mixture over medium heat, stirring constantly but gently—try to keep from mushing up the fruit too much.
- Cook until the mixture starts to bubble, then cook for a full 2 minutes.
- Remove from the heat and add the butter and almond extract, stirring to melt the butter.
- Cool to room temperature then cover and chill completely in the refrigerator.
- Use in your favorite pie, tart, or hand pie recipe!