Mashed Potato Casserole

maks pazuniak
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Our family has made this baked mashed potato dish every holiday since like 1994. It's a modified version of a recipe my mom found in the Delaware News Journal around then. It can be made ahead of time (up to two days), and then baked day of. Best served hot out of the oven though. This is the full fat / butter version of what was originally a "light / low fat / margarine" recipe, which was the style at the time.
You Need
8-12 servings
How To
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees (if serving same day)
- Peel and quarter potatoes
- Boil until tender and drain. Let sit in covered pot for 5-10 minutes.
- Mash the potatoes with an electric mixer until smooth
- Add cream cheese, sour cream, one stick of butter, milk and onion powder
- Mix until incorporated
- Add salt and pepper to taste (literally taste it please)
- Spoon into a buttered, 1.5-quart round baking dish
- Dot the potatoes with remaining 3 Tbsps of butter
- Bake uncovered until lightly browned, 30-40 minutes