Washington D.C.
Roasted Tomato & Cod Stew

Becca Jacobs
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This stew’s origins start on a chilly fall day in Maine, where roasted tomatoes and cod create a hearty dish, perfect for warming the bones. The tomatoes are roasted to amplify their flavor, while the cod is added just before serving to remain tender and flaky.
You Need
4 - 6 servings
How To
- Pre-heat oven to 425 and add tomatoes to a baking dish, cover with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Roast for 25 minutes until soft and releasing juice.
- Five minutes before the tomatoes are due out of the oven add neutral oil to a stockpot on medium-low. Add the garlic, bell pepper, and onion to the stockpot and cook them down until very soft, caramelized, and halved in size. About 10 minutes.
- Add the paprika, red pepper flakes, and tomato paste to the stockpot and let that cook down for another two minutes. Add in the chopped carrots, celery, beans, stock, & roasted tomatoes. Bring the soup to a boil and then back down to a simmer for 20-25 minutes until the carrots and celery are fork-tender.
- Taste the soup! Adjust for salt and spice levels before you add in the fish.
- Right before serving add the cod to the pot and let it cook on a light simmer for about 3 minutes until flaky. Serve immediately to avoid overcooking the fish.