Grilled Asparagus with Hazelnut Gremolata

Building Feasts by Hanna Geller
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Savor this delicious grilled asparagus recipe topped with a flavorful hazelnut gremolata. A perfect dish for the grilling season that is dairy-free, gluten-free, and vegetarian-friendly.
You Need
4-6 servings
For the Grilled Asparagus
- 500g (approx 2 bunches) medium asparagus
- 1 tbsp olive oil (or confit garlic oil)
- a good sprinkling of Malden salt
For the Hazelnut Gremolata
- 100g hazelnuts, toasted and skins rubbed off
- 1 small bunch flat leaf parsley (approx 15g)
- 2 garlic cloves
- zest of 1 unwaxed lemon
How To
- Crush the garlic cloves with salt to make a paste.
- Finely chop the parsley together with the crushed garlic and add in the crushed or roughly chopped hazelnuts and lemon zest.
- Bring a large shallow pan of water to a rapid boil and salt generously.
- Trim the asparagus by breaking off the tough ends naturally.
- Blanch for 1-2 minutes, then drain and cool under cold water or ice bath.
- Heat coals, an oven grill, or a grill pan.
- Dress asparagus with olive oil and salt, grill until colored but not charred (2-4 minutes).
- Sprinkle with gremolata and serve.