Toasted Coconut Rice Krispies Treats

Martin Sorge
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A delightful twist on the classic Rice Krispies Treat, featuring toasted coconut and a hint of Tahitian vanilla. These treats are light, crunchy, and just sweet enough, with an added tropical flavor. I prefer the unsweetened large-flake coconut for this recipe. Do not use refined coconut oil here—you want that tropical coconut flavor of unrefined (AKA virgin) coconut oil. Tahitian vanilla extract amplifies the coconut flavor, but if you only have regular vanilla, that works, too.
You Need
1 9" square pan
How To
- Heat the oven to 300F with a rack on the middle. If you have a convection setting, that works best. Spread the coconut on a half-sheet pan, and bake for 8-14 minutes, stirring once after 6 minutes. After 8 minutes, watch the coconut closely. Get it out of the oven when it’s fragrant and toasty. Remove the pan from the oven and set it aside. (No need to let it cool all the way.)
- Rub a 9-inch square pan (metal, glass, ceramic, it doesn't matter) with some coconut oil.
- Meanwhile, add the coconut oil, salt, and rum to a large pot. Melt the coconut oil over medium heat for a couple of minutes. If you're using the rum, let it sizzle and evaporate for a minute.
- Once the oil has melted, turn the heat to low and add the marshmallows and stir until they've just melted. You don't want the marshmallows to boil, or the finished product will be hard and crunchy.
- Turn off the heat and stir in the vanilla extract then add the puffed rice and toasted coconut, then stir to combine.
- Dump the mixture into the greased pan. Set a piece of parchment paper over the treats and gently press them into the pan.
- Let it cool completely, then remove it from the pan (or not) and cut into slices.
- Enjoy. These will not last long.