Founder Frittata

Lisa Grimm
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My breakfast comes with two truths. First, that it is the most important meal of the day. And second, never eat sugar in the morning. I don't have extra (any?) time in the morning to cook so I came up with foolproof way to always have something quick, savory, and nutritious on hand. Now it's an official habit. I make it every Sunday and it gets me through the week which have a tendency to fly by these days. I only started making this as we began building Roux so I'm calling it the Founder Frittata as a statement to this moment in time.
You Need
How To
- Preheat oven to 375.
- Put a pot of water up to boil large enough to fit all the broccoli. Break the broccoli into similar size pieces. Once the water has boiled, dump in the broccoli and cook it just until you stick a fork in the stem and there's still a little resistance.
- Drain the broccoli. If you wanted to be a little extra, you could submerge the broccoli in ice water to blanche it and make sure it doesn't overcook. I just undercook it to start with and rinse it in cold water.
- While the broccoli is cooking, cut leeks down the center and then into rings about 1/4 in wide all the way up to where they turn dark green. Rinse really well under running water. Leeks grow deep in the ground, and the feeling of dirt in your teeth is gross. Trust me.
- Heat about two tablespoons of olive oil over medium heat. Toss in the leeks and cook until leeks are soft and translucent. Season with salt and pepper.
- Let both the broccoli and leeks cool as you prep the eggs.
- Crack all the eggs into a large bowl. Add the milk, salt and pepper.
- If you have one, use an immersion blender to mix the eggs and milk. The key is to get a lot of air (aka bubbles) into the eggs so the frittata isn't too dense. You can also use a whisk but just beat the crap out of it. You can't over beat this.
- Gently add the broccoli, leeks and cheese to the egg mixture. Fold everything together and try to not deflate all the bubbles.
- Pour the mixture into a 9 x 13 dish. How long you cook this depends on how you prefer your eggs. I like mine well done (but not dry) so I cook this for about 30 minutes until the edges are golden brown and the eggs are set.
- Once it cools, cut it into eight pieces and, ta da, breakfast is served for the entire week (plus a snack).