Pump Street Bakery Brownies

Building Feasts by Hanna Geller
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These brownies, from the famed Suffolk Pump Street Bakery, whose recipe was a heavily guarded secret until right now, simply blows the others right out of the water. With such deep chocolatey decadence and just the perfect amount of fudgey squidge, your eyes might just roll into the back of your head in ecstasy on the first bite. These brownies are intensely chocolatey yet not too rich, and they keep well for a few days after coming out of the tin.
You Need
16 squares
How To
- Preheat your oven to 180ºC (350ºF)
- In a large, heatproof bowl, combine the chocolate pieces and the butter and place over a pot of simmering water (bain marie) to slowly melt, making sure the water does not touch the bottom of the bowl. Feel free to stir them from time to time to help them along.
- Once they are completely melted, remove from the heat and allow to cool for a few minutes while you gather the remaining ingredients.
- Grease and line a 20cm (8inch) baking dish with parchment paper.
- Once the chocolate and butter have cooled a little, add the eggs, one at a time mixing with a rubber spatula until they are fully incorporated and the mixture becomes super silky and fudgey.
- Add the sugar, followed by the vanilla and once everything is mixed, add the flour and salt.
- Be careful not to overmix.
- Pour the batter into the prepared dish and bake for 20 minutes until set in the centre.
- Remove and allow to cool completely before slicing.