Elderflower Vodka Fizz

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Swapping the iconic elderflower gin fizz with vodka. Personally, I like to use BODY Vodka. It's for the girlies :)
You Need
1 serving
Garnish Options
- Lime wedges or slices (dried, dehydrated or fresh)
- Fresh or frozen blackberries
- Rosemary stalks
- Mint leaves
- Basil leaves
- Elderflower leaves
- Edible flowers
- Cucumber slices
How To
- Combine the Gin, St Germain, and lemon & lime juice in a tall glass or wide tumbler over a good amount of ice. Stir together, top up with soda and garnish with your choice of options.
- For a larger batch, multiply by 10. Combine the Gin, St Germain and sour in a jug or bottle and keep in the fridge until ready to use. Top up with soda before serving. Do not add ice or soda until ready to serve.