XO Butter Salmon with Capers and Shanghai Bok Choy

Jannell Lo
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The best ways to keep salmon moist are either cooking it low and slow in the oven (nothing above 275 F), or quickly searing it on the stove for that perfect crispy-moist finish. I'm all for high impact, low effort meals during the week, and this recipe relies on the latter. Simply turn on a pot of rice, whip up a ridiculously flavorful butter, and quickly cook the salmon and bok choy, all in one pan.
You Need
How To
- In a small bowl, combine the butter, XO sauce, garlic, salt, and pepper, until uniform in consistency.
- Preheat a medium pan (preferably cast iron or carbon steel) over medium-low heat for a few minutes.
- Add oil and swirl it around until the bottom of the pan is coated. Increase the heat to medium.
- Once the oil is shimmering, place the salmon fillets skin-side down and press with a spatula to ensure the skin makes full contact with the pan. Cook for 4 to 5 minutes, until the skin is crispy and releases easily.
- Spread half of the XO butter onto the flesh side of the salmon fillets. Flip the fish and cook for another 1 to 2 minutes.
- Remove the salmon from the pan and set aside.
- Add the remaining XO butter and capers to the pan. Once the capers have sizzled in the butter for a few seconds, add the bok choy and sauté for a minute, ensuring it is well coated in butter. Add a splash of water (about a tablespoon or so), lower to heat to medium-low, and cover. Cook for another 2 minutes, or until the bok choy is crisp-tender.
- Add the salmon back to the pan to warm up, then turn off the heat.
- Squeeze some lemon overtop and salt to taste. Serve with steamed rice.